November 1, 2012

day fifty seven

This morning I awoke to the sound of coffee cherries gently dropping into empty buckets. I opened my eyes to the vibrant blue sky and bright sunshine. In the near distance, a picker softly sung, what sounded like a Spanish opera song. These are the mornings I will miss the most. 

Tonight will be our last night at Holualoa Farm.

I remember stepping off of the plane after the thirteen hour flight from New York. We were exhausted and figured there was about a 50% chance that we'd actually get picked up. I remember our first night at the farm. Eric spent the first couple hours setting up booby traps on our shack door while I silently contemplated whether or not we would actually survive the night. Feeling like we were in a scene from Jurassic Park, every noise had us up shining a flashlight out into the darkness. Neither of us slept.

We've come along way. Eric and I have completely immersed ourselves into the gratifyingly dirty world of coffee farming.  

Over the last two months, we have literally poured our blood, sweat, and (mostly my) tears into this farm. We have tended to all thirty acres of coffee-land and helped process the first harvest of the season. 

Although we volunteered, we are not leaving here empty-handed. We are leaving with a sense of accomplishment, stronger muscles and an even stronger work ethic. We have learned that a farmer wears many different hats and their work is never done. 

With our new set of skills, we're ready to see what awaits us at the next farm...from everything we've heard, things may get interesting!

*BTW, if you haven't done so already; subscribe by email to be entered into the 'win-a bag-a Kona' giveaway. Last day to enter is November 8th!* 

"Casey at Gravity Table" 11/1/2012

"Eric Pushing Parchment" 11/1/2012

"Parchment Coffee on Drying Deck" 11/1/2012

"Last Day with Albert" 11/1/2012

"Coffee Pickup" 10/30/2012

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