Barbie died and we totaled the Gator.
Barbie. So Monday morning, a six mile visit to a coffee farm
on our moped turned into a 100 mile joy ride to Waimea and back. However,
we ran out of "joy" around mile 80 so I guess technically it was an 80 mile moped
ride and a 20 mile pickup truck ride. The first 80 miles of the trip we’re
going smooth. It was great scenery, beautiful ocean views and we even found a
secluded beach with sea turtles (see video below). To celebrate the success of
the first leg of our trip, we stopped for a hearty slab of carrot cake and a
few cups of joe at the Waimea Coffee Shop. I don’t know if it was the sugar
high from the carrot cake or the caffeine boost but on the way back down the
hill, I spotted what seemed like a good opportunity to set a moped land speed
record. Well, Barbie must not have been in the record setting mood because just
as we hit about 55 mph (which feels like 200 mph on a moped) she decided she
had enough fun for the day. Twenty miles
from home, in the middle of the hot, black Hawaiian desert and with 2%
battery remaining on the phone, our fun had also come to an abrupt stop. Luckily Albert picked up and before the phone
died, mid-convo, he got our location and came to get us...three hours later.
The Gator. Yesterday after lunch, me, Casey and Albert took
the Gator up to about 2,500 feet, to the orange trees. It’s
a steep, rocky, wet ride up to the orange trees but it’s well worth it. They were some of the best oranges we have ever had. After 15 minutes and a few juicy
oranges, we headed back down to the farm except this time we took an alternate trail; an
even steeper, rockier and wetter trail. Why Albert decided to take us on the steeper, rockier and wetter trail and not the one we had barely survived on the way up, is a bit of
a mystery. Anyway, about halfway down the hill, we were blocked by a giant tree
that had fallen across the trail. Unable to turn around and climb back up the
mountain, we had no choice but to walk down and take the tractor,
the blue Isuzu and a few chain saws back up and clear the trail. Once we
cleared a path, we headed down; Albert in the tractor, me in the Isuzu and
Casey in the Gator. Long story short, the Gator got away from Casey, coasted down
hill about 100 feet and ultimately crashed into a coffee tree. Fortunately, Casey wasn’t in it and thankfully wasn’t hurt.
Unfortunately, the front suspension and frame of the Gator weren’t as lucky.
In the interest of Casey’s health and the prevention of any
additional property damage, Casey has officially retired from operating any John
Deere machinery.
"Joy Ride" 10/8/2012 |
"Eric at Waimea Coffee Co." 10/8/2012 |
"Barbie's Final Resting Place" 10/8/2012 |
"Gator, Blue Isuzu on Blocked Trail" 10/10/2012 |